Secondary Transfer
Information for Parents
Preparing For Secondary Transfer
Choosing a secondary school for your child is one of the biggest decisions you will make. Although the application is not submitted until the end of October in Year 6, it is not too early to start thinking about secondary schools when your child is in Year 4 or 5. We would strongly encourage parents to start exploring Secondary School options when their child is in Year 5.
Secondary schools hold their open evenings or open days in September and early October and we recommend that you visit as many schools as possible (with your child) before making your choice.
If you live in Brent, you should make an on-line application to Brent School Admissions and submit your preferences (you can choose up to 6 secondary schools - listing them in order of preference), prior to the deadline which is usually at the end of October. If you do not live in Brent, you will need to make an on-line application to the relevant borough of your residence.
Some of the schools have a supplementary form that you will need to get from the school’s office and return directly to the school. These are mostly the faith schools and normally the form has to be signed by a religious leader to confirm that your family are practising and attend a place of worship regularly. You do not have to be of the same faith as the school but you must show religious observance.
There are many factors that will influence your choice of secondary school; factors to consider might include:
The daily journey your child will have to make between home and school
The ease of access by public transport between home and school
What your child’s best subjects/interests are and which school would best cater to these
Whether to go for a mixed school or a single sex school
Your child will probably want to go to the same school as their close friend
Whether you prefer a faith or selective entry school
Some schools are selective on academic ability. If you wish your child to sit the entrance examinations for specific schools we suggest you contact the school directly to obtain up-to-date information on testing dates.
Offers of Secondary school places are made at the beginning of March; if you made an online application, you will be able to log on to the website to access your offer; otherwise you will receive a letter. If you are happy with the school that your child has been offered, you will need to confirm this with the Admissions department of your local council. If your child has been offered a place somewhere but you wish them to remain on a waiting list for other schools, our advice would be to accept the place offered, then notify Admissions that you wish them to remain on waiting list for your preferred school.
If you believe that your child has been wrongly refused a place at a particular school, you have the right to appeal. This must be done in writing and to win an appeal, you would need to have very strong reasons.
You can click the link below and find the Ofsted reports for each school
You can click the link below and go to the Brent Secondary School Guide
Secondary School guide September 2025
Please be realistic when applying to Secondary Schools, don’t set your sights on a school that is so far away that it is unlikely that your child will be offered a place.
Remember, places at state secondary schools and academies are generally allocated according to the following criteria:
Looked after children
Children who have a sibling already attending the school
Children who need to attend a particular school due to a specific medical or social need
Children attending a feeder primary school
Any other applicants, according to the distance of their home from the school
Transferring to secondary school can be a time of mixed emotions for children - everything is so very different. They are surrounded by many new faces and need to find their way around a new building. Instead of having one teacher, they have lots of new ones. There is a great deal to take in all at once.
Here is some advice which may help your child to have a happy transition to their secondary school
Your child should not expect to understand everything straight away. It will take time to get to grips with the new routines. You should explain that they should not be afraid asks questions to clarify their understanding
Your child will have homework; this is an essential part of your child's education which allows them to develop independent study skills. Encourage your child to take assignments seriously and they should allow adequate time for completion
Remind your child that if someone is making their school life uncomfortable then they should tell you or a teacher. It is their right to attend school without being threatened and action must be taken to stop bullying.
Every school has rules, therefore impress upon your child that rules are there so that pupils understand what is expected of them.
Remind your child that the teachers are there for their benefit and to try not to give them a hard time. Encourage your child to discuss with you any problems he or she is having with a particular teacher.
Discuss your child's choice of friends. Explain to them that they should not feel pressured into doing things they know are wrong because their 'friends' tell them.
A good way to meet new friends with similar interests is by joining a school club.
Encourage your child to be supportive of classmates. Some may be having a tough time.
Be supportive at exam times. Your child will be having yearly exams based on their course of study. Talk about these and encourage them not to worry.
Lastly, encourage your child to relax and think positive. With your caring support you can help to make their transition to a new school a happy period.