Headteacher's Blog
Head Teacher's Blog May 2024
We have reached the end of the first half of the summer term and everyone is looking forward to a week off before commencing the final part of the academic year 2023/24.
The Skills Builders Project was on the calendar during the first week of May and the children had a lot of fun participating in various activities aimed to develop essential skills needed for the real world of work. Children in EYFS planned and held a Teddy Bear Picnic; Our year 6 pupils focused on the theme of teamwork and took part in a big business challenge by organising a “pop-up fair” to help raise money for a charity of their choice. Our KS1 pupils worked on the theme ‘Doing Good’ and held a charity fun run in King Edward Vll Park for the charity Bernardo’s .
Year 6 children undertook their SATS during the second week of May and they were rewarded with a pizza party. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to their results later this school year. Year 2 also sat their tests the week after and we applaud them for their effort and hard work. To help Year 6 parents support their children during their exam and manage their worry, we held an Exam Stress Workshop on Monday 29th April. The meeting, led by a Child Wellbeing Practitioner, gave parents the opportunity to understand what the signs and symptoms of anxiety are; along with learning techniques to reduce anxiety around exams in children.
Some of our Year 4 and Year 5 pupils have had a wonderful week, full of adventure, at the Gordon Brown Residential Centre! The lovely weather conditions enabled the staff and children to enjoy all the activities that Gordon Brown has to offer.
Our focus for the second half of the summer term will be the pupils’ transition to their next year group. We also have lots of school trips and activities planned over the coming weeks.
The children have worked hard this term and I hope they, along with their families, will enjoy the half-term break. See you on Monday 3rd June, when school recommences.