Opening Times
School Day:
Nursery AM 8.45am- 11:30am
Nursery PM 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Reception 8.40am -3:10pm
Year 1 8:45am - 3:10pm
Year 2 8:45am - 3:10pm
Year 3 8:45am - 3.20pm
Year 4 8:45am - 3.20pm
Year 5 8:45am - 3.20pm
Year 6 8:45am - 3.20pm
Morning and Afternoon Routine:
Nursery children should enter and exit the building via the stairs from the main entrance bridge
All other children should enter and exit the school premises via green gate adjacent to King Edward Vll Park.
Parents/carers will not be able to accompany their children into the building; instead, members of the SLT will be on hand to direct the children to their relevant class lines where their class teachers will be waiting to collect them and take them up to their classrooms.
Parents/carers should arrive at school just in time for their child's class to start and finish, please do not arrive early or late. Avoid gathering at the school gates.
Children who remain uncollected at the end of the school day, will be taken to after school club and their parents will be charged £5 for that day's session.