Extended Day Services and Clubs
Saturday Booster Classes
Each year the school offers all Year 6 pupils the opportunity to attend Saturday Morning Booster Classes to accelerate their progress in English and Mathematics. The programme is led by the Head Teacher, Ms Lewis, and gives all the Year 6 pupils the opportunity to work in focussed groups for a few hours on Saturday mornings. There is no charge to families for this service.
Breakfast Club
The school operates a breakfast club from 7:30am daily. The children can start their day at school with a healthy breakfast with their friends. Children can arrive at any time up until 8:25am. There is no need to book in advance, just sign in when you arrive and sit and have a great start to your day. Breakfast club costs £3.00 per session or £15.00 per week.
Early Morning Clubs
We have a fantastic range of early morning clubs that should cater for all interests. The clubs run for the duration of the term. Some of the clubs have restricted places; we try to be as fair as possible when allocating places but they are allocated on a first come first served basis.
If you would like your child to take part in any of the early morning clubs please fill out an application form, which is available from the school office.
The After School Club
The school operates an after school club until 5:45pm daily (apart from on the final day of each school term). The children are taken to after school club by their class teachers at the end of the day. Once the children have signed in, they can join in a wide variety of clubs. After school club costs £7.00 per session or £35.00 per week.
After School Clubs
We have a wide range of after school (extra-curricular) clubs. These clubs run for the duration of the term, a small fee may be payable for some clubs (see the application form which can be obtained from the school office). Some of the clubs have restricted places; we try to be as fair as possible when allocating places but they are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Upon submission of the extra-curricular clubs application form, please wait for your child's place to be confirmed before making any relevant payments. All fees must, however, be paid termly in advance of your child attending the club, via Parentpay.
If there is not enough interest to make a club viable it will not run.