Pupil Premium
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The Pupil Premium is money that is allocated to schools for children who are eligible (or have been during the past six years) for Free School Meals (FSM) in order to close the attainment gap. At Park Lane Primary School we have a number of children who are eligible for funding. Our approach to pupil premium in 2020/2021 contributed to improving the outcomes for FSM pupils.
The money was used for:
• Teacher or Adult led small group and individual work to suit the needs of the child
• Adult led sessions focussing on pupils’ emotional and social wellbeing
• It also included the following interventions and opportunities:
- Booster group teaching
- Subsidising residential and day school trips
- 1:1 tuition sessions
- Homework Club
- Breakfast Club
- Enrichment activities e.g. after school clubs
- Music tuition
- Providing children with equipment
In the new Financial Year (2019/2020), the funds allocated in April 2019 for pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals, Park Lane Primary School will once again spend the money to benefit these pupils in school, in line with the successful strategies employed in the previous financial year