Park Lane Primary School

Park Lane Primary School

Lifelong Learning Together

February 2017

A very happy new year to all! The children continue to work hard during the first half of the spring term, and we are now officially half way through the school year.

Year 6 Booster Sessions commenced on Saturday 7th January.  The children in year 6 attend the English and Maths booster programme from 9am to 12 midday every Saturday; we aim to ensure they meet or exceed their target grades by the end of the school year.  The Booster Sessions ran Monday to Friday during half term and will also run during one week of the Easter holiday break.

This month we said goodbye to music teacher Abigail White, and to Place2Be School Project Manager Jemima Marriott. We welcome the following new staff members to Park Lane Primary School:

Miss Anna Kostinoudi, Year 5G Class Teacher
Miss Anduena Ahmetaj, Learning Mentor
Mrs Saima Qaisrani, Welfare Officer
Mrs Alkaben Patel, Midday Assistant
Miss Marinella Valeri, Place2Be School Project Manager
On Thursday 12th January parent/carers had the opportunity of discussing their child’s progress with their class teacher during parents’ evening; and on February 7th parents/carers were invited to join us for Head Teacher’s Coffee Morning. Place2Be spoke to parents/carers about the essential work they undertake at our school, and also about Children’s Mental Health Week.  Place2Be also held a special assembly with the whole school where they spoke about the importance of speaking to an adult or friend if you are unhappy, and the importance of kindness and how we can all make it a part of our everyday behaviour.

We’ve seen some entertaining and informative performances from our children during their class assemblies. Year 1Y read their poetry compositions, 6G enlightened us on Chinese New Year, and Ladybird gave an enchanting assembly all about fairy tales.  The Debate Club also demonstrated their formal disputing skills when they argued the pros and cons of animal testing during achievement assembly.

Our Science Team achieved third place when they competed in the semi-final of the National Science Quiz.  Year 6 visited the London Central Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre to reinforce what they have learnt during R.E.  The biggest event of the school calendar so far this term, was Number Day which took place on February 3rd.  The children and staff were asked to wear an item of clothing with a number on it, during our ‘Dress Up For Digits’ non-uniform day.  The money raised on the day and through sponsorship totalled a phenomenal £962.30 all in aide of the NSPCC which funds valuable projects like ChildLine.

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