Physical Education
P.E. plays an important role in promoting co–ordinated physical activity as well as healthy lifestyles and consequently P.E. is carefully time–tabled for every class. All the children are taught how to safely use both small and large apparatus. They learn how to work both independently as well as collaboratively with other children. In Early Years, the children begin to learn about team-work, so that as they progress through the school, they are ready to play a wide range of team games such as rounders, cricket, netball and football.
In Year 4, the children have timetabled swimming instruction sessions at Vale Farm Leisure Centre. In the summer we hold a Sports Afternoon inside the King Edward Park - parents are welcome to join us for this.
Many of our extra-curricular activities also involve PE and the children can get involved in activities such as gymnastics, dance, football, cricket and netball. Letters are sent home informing you of what is on offer for particular year groups.