Park Lane Primary School

Park Lane Primary School

Lifelong Learning Together

Year 6 Graduation

The year 6 graduation ceremony took place on Wednesday 20th July 2022.  The event gave family members and staff the opportunity to celebrate the graduating class of 2022's achievements during their time at Park Lane Primary School while also formally wishing them well during the next phase of their educational journey.  Mrs Givans-Haynes was the Master of Ceremonies and introduced the order of events.  Our Head Teacher, Miss Lewis, spoke eloquently about the particular challenges that this graduating class faced and how they stood firm and worked hard to achieve good SATs results; they have shown character, demonstrated perseverance and determination.

Mrs Bevis-Smith, our deputy chair, spoke on behalf of the Governors to congratulate the graduating class.  Her speech was followed by a violin performance from Maha.  Heer and Shabnam read moving poems thanking their teachers and wishing their classmates well.

Miss Omar, Mrs Parveen and Mrs Farmer spoke about their memories during their time as year 6 class teachers.  Teaching Assistant Mrs Deboo then read a touching poem which was composed by 6G's teaching assistant, Ms. Salah.

The school choir performed The Champion and later in the programme, the entire year 6 class performed their rendition of Fight Song.  Amongst the many highlights of the evening were the valedictory speech from Maryam of 6Y, and of course, our guest speaker Mr. Michael DeSouza - the famed author and creator of the Rastamouse book series.

Following the presentation of graduation certificates, prizes were awarded for best writer, mathematician, scientist, historian, artist,  geographer, sportsperson and actor.  SATs prizes where also awarded and finally, the Head Teacher's award for one pupil from each year 6 class.

Pupils, parents and staff shared a delicious meal in the school playground where they enjoyed each other's company as much as the weather!


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