Wellness Week 2022
During the week of Monday 13th to Friday 17th June, Park Lane Primary School celebrated Wellness Week. Mrs Valeri of Place2Be launched Wellness Week during Monday’s Head Teacher’s assembly and for the remainder of the week, children from all year levels participated in a range of activities highlighting the importance of physical and mental health.
Every morning our KS2 pupils participated in the ‘Daily Mile’ fun run around the school playground, and in the afternoon, it was the turn of pupils in KS1. Rounders competitions were also held for KS2 pupils throughout the week, and on Wednesday, EYFS and KS1 took part in an obstacle course in the school hall. The benefits of exercise to our physical and mental wellbeing are well documented and this week was all about raising awareness of the importance of both.
Sports Day for KS1 was held in King Edward VII Park on Friday 17th June and parents joined us in the afternoon to cheer on their children and their classmates. Sports Day for KS2 pupils will be held on Wednesday 22nd June.
Parents were also invited to a very special Wellbeing Coffee Morning on Tuesday 14th June in the school hall. Whilst being treated to morning tea, guests from our local community joined us to share ideas on activities to promote wellbeing in ourselves and our children. Guests included: Robyn - a Place2Be Parent Practitioner, Raeesa – Place2Be Children Councillor, and Nataliya and Florentina from Unique Community Charity, which operates the Brent Youth Theatre.
Nataliya, Teo and Andrew from the Brent Youth Theatre delivered drama workshops to our year 6 pupils on Wednesday 15th June. The workshops, in line with the wellbeing theme, involved critical thinking and empathy.
During PHSE lessons, we discussed the importance of healthy eating, along with exercise and mental health. Children across the school engaged in the following activities in class:
EYFS – Yoga and making a fruit salad. Pupils were asked to bring in one piece of their favourite fruit to add to the fruit salad.
Year 1 and 2 – Write an acrostic poem about exercising.
Year 3 and 4 – Create a healthy balanced plate and explain why they chose it.
Year 5 and 6 – Focus on mental health and write a poem. Children used iPads to go visit supermarket websites and create a balanced food plate with a budget of £5 to make three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).